I'd also like to list some book recommendations I've been given and those that I've come across on the internet. Please know that these books may not coincide with your personal belief system, so make sure it's a good "fit" before you get it. As of now, I have not had the opportunity to read any of these books, but I plan to in the future.
- When You Lose Someone You Love by Richard Exley
- No One Cries the Wrong Way: Seeing God Through Tears by Dr. Joe Kempf
- The Dance of Life: Weaving Sorrows And Blessings into One Joyful Step by Henri J. Nouwen
- In Memoriam by Henri J. Nouwen
I was going to list some websites that I've found that have helpful information and resources about grieving, but I've decided that this post is getting kind of long- so I think I'll save the rest for another day. Take care!
Image Above: Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image Above: Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.net